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Deficiency Company

Welcome to Prime Tech Deficiency

Our team is composed of skilled individuals with extensive experience in the construction and renovation field. We understand final touches are always needed before a building is finished and that damaged materials can be costly to replace. Comprehensive options ensure all
deficiencies are addressed, thus keeping your projects on time and on budget.
We specialize in restoring materials back to their original surface finish. Our combined
knowledge and training with different trades gives us the edge in assembling cost-effective strategies for every job we work on. We bring into action real solutions that are practical over other expensive alternatives.

Our core values emphasize our commitment to integrity, efficiency and quality to meet requirements with the highest standards. We establish confidence and trust among our clients
with open communication that develops from initial assessment to project completion. Equipped with a proven system and an organized team, we will continue to provide deficiency services with unrivaled results.


Why Choose Us

Expert Teams

Timely Delivery

24/7 Support

Best Equipment

100% Guaranty